Saturday, 19 April 2008

In the begining

If this blog were an MMO, this post would be the character creation screen. The entry into a new domain. You find yourself beset with so many important choices before you can actually get out there into the big wide virtual world.

The blog title (which came to me as I recalled a recent exchange between my wife and I when I was informed that dinner was ready) could be viewed as the 'name your character' category. That important part of starting any online game where you discover if someone has pipped you to the post and chosen your favourite identity, the one that you've used in every game previously. That name which, unbeknownst to you, is also the same favourite name used by hundreds of other players across the globe

...yeah, in cyberspace, you're not as original as you thought!

Go figure!

Naming can be a tricky thing. Some people go with a name that seems amusing at creation. 60 or so levels down the line you might be feeling like a bit of a tit for not having thought things through more before hitting [enter].
Likewise, picking something based on an obscure topic might make you think that you appear knowledgable when all it actually makes you look like is a bit of a twat.
In the end, simplicity and a little imagination are your friends. Pick something that you can relate to, something relevant.

Something that you wont come to regret later on.

Then you're off, taking your first steps into the newb area, butchering the local wildlife for some measly armour and a few credits...

I think that's pretty much where the similarity between blogging and gaming ends, to be honest.

And so it is that I find myself here in my very own starter area, staring at my first post. Peering into the chasm of a project that could prove to be too big for me. But I guess you never know unless you try, huh?

As you may or may not have guessed by now from the incoherent ramblings above, my focus for this blog is online gaming. Be it the games themselves, their communities, the developers or just humble, unbiased (for the most part) opinions based on my experiences.

I hope you'll join me on my journey through Foreas / Azeroth / Hyborea / Tatooine etc. and chime in every now and then with your own thoughts.

I think it was Arthur C. Clarke that said "The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible". Although this endeavour seems a tad daunting at the moment, hopefully it will allow me get down in writing the jumbled thoughts that fight for consideration in my mind.

Everything from gaming to life in general.

Welcome to my world....

at least you can log out, right?!

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