So I guess I should tell you a little about me...or at least myself as a gamer.
I've pretty much been addicted to MMO's since I first walked into the Mos Eisley cantina with an 8ft wookiee back when playing Star Wars Galaxies used to be fun.
Before the dark times...before the NGE.
Since I retired my big furry Jedi several years ago I've been looking for an online place to call 'home'. I'm not ashamed to admit that WoW has occupied a fair amount of my gaming time as has LotRO and I'll even admit to having tried Hellgate London (/shudder). I've even enjoyed them too, some more than others. But like anything, all good things must come to an end.
...or should I say all temporary measures must eventually be replaced/superceded/upgraded.
And so it was that I started my journey in pursuit of another planet/faction/galaxy/class*
(*delete as applicable)
During a period where WoW was really begining to bore the life out of me, I stumbled across adverts and reports in several gaming mags about TR. Could this be the Sci-Fi MMO I'd been waiting to replace my craving for SWG?
I was fortunate enough to get involved in the Beta and fell in love with the Ranger class. I should point out that, at that time, the Tier 4 classes hadn't been fleshed out quite so much. Even after I hit lvl 30 I pretty much still felt like a Ranger with a few extra abilities.
As the launch date approached I observed that many of the same bugs that had been reported for a long time on the beta forums were still present with little sign of being fixed (*cough*memoryleak*cough*).
As most of you will probably know, several hastily added patches were brought in to help with class balance amongst other things (netguns, anyone?) but the main issues were left unanswered.
I lost faith in the devs to take care of the issues that mattered and decided that I would give WoW another chance, while at the same time keeping an eye on FunCom and seeing if they tried to dig themselves out of a hole.
Fast forward 6 months and my ability to remain interested in WoW had started to wane again at record level proportions. I found it increasingly difficult to log in again and the idea of running another Karazhan raid made my skin crawl.
Part of me would dearly love to settle in Tabula Rasa but I have no intention of leaving WoW altogether given the time I've put into my characters. I'm still unsure if the TR devs are capable of finishing what they have started here. But for the meantime, my family of characters is right there on the Centaurus server and they're gonna see what develops.
I recently formed a clan with a few other disillusioned WoW guildies as a loose affiliation of players who just want to run instances, finish quest chains and yes, maybe defend a few CPs.
I wont say that Age of Conan isn't beckoning me at this point. What with its dirty PvP goodness and its sickeningly sexy city creations/defence/assault.
But for now I'm here. Happily frolicking through Concordia Palisades.
>>Ranger for hire<<>
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