I logged on to Emerald Dream today to check my characters mail.
I stayed online in Azeroth for a grand total of 3 minutes 19 seconds.
That's gotta be some kind of record!
It's also a sign that Blizzard have finally managed to help me (read: bore me to tears) in breaking my addiction.
GJ guys, I'm a free man!
Well...until the 23rd of May when Conan gets installed!
To make matters worse, Tabula Rasa is currently down for patching and I only have 3 hours before I have to get ready for work.
I even contemplated re-installing Hellgate London, but that thought only lasted a few seconds before I burst out laughing and put the case back in the cupboard!
...and for those of you who insist on getting picky, I know the picture was technically taken in Outlands. But it's the principle!
Interesting read! I followed one of your comments on GM Dave's blog and found another great blog about one of my passions: MMO Games.
I look forward to reading more in the future.
Good to have you along for the ride, Blue.
I wont always hit the mark and I can't promise that we're always going to agree either.
I started this with the aim to 'shooting from the hip' and calling things as I see them.
Either way, I'm glad you found your way over here and I look forward to reading your comments and opinions whenever you feel the need to share.
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